Sunday, June 03, 2007

Forgetting my mobile

Aaaaarrrgh!!!!!! I have forgotten my mobile phone at home once again!!!!!!!!

I have these phases when I seem to forget to take my phone in the morning quite often. Its not the first time I have forgotten it and I am guessing its not going to be the last. I feel so handicapped without it - not just coz i dont have it, but without it I dont know many phone numbers.

Thinking about why and how I forget it, I have come up with the following reasons :

1. It happens on days when I am late and rushing to get to the station on time.

Remedy : Wake up 10 mins earlier!!!!

2. I wear my phone pouch on my waist when I dress up and when I pick up my wallet etc, i forget to take my phone.

Remedy : When i wear the pouch, put the phone in it too.

3. On most days when i forget it, my phone is below my pillow and hence out of sight.

Remedy : If i keep my phone under my pillow, put it on the table first thing in the morning.

In spite of all this, if I still forget to bring it in - STOP WHINGEING, coz that means i am plain forgetful!!!!!

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