Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Attachment to inanimate objects

As humans we do have an attachment to inanimate objects. We bond with our study tables, get comfortable in our couches and beds, feel connected to our accessories and even feel attached to our houses.

Recently, I felt this attachment at a totally different level. The objects in question were the non-stick kadai and tawa that I had brought with me when i first came to Melbourne. In the last 5 years, we bachelors - amateur cooks have given the utensils a good beating, and inspite of all that it has served us very well. A few months back I noticed that its use by date was approaching and promptly got another set of non-stick utensils when i got back from India recently.

For a few weeks now, I have tried, in vain, to get rid of the old set of utensils. I feel this attachment towards them. They have served me for 5 years, sometimes with amazing food and sometimes with crappy food, but nevertheless served me my food. Those utensils remind me of the spicy Choley my friend made, the gulab jamoons that I made, the sambar that my mom made while she was here, among other things. Kaise jaane doon usko!!!!!!!

Last weekend, I thought I got over the attachment and was able to keep the utensils next to the garbage bin, to be disposed off with the next garbage collection cycle. In came my other friend (who has seen quite a bit of these utensils) and asked "should we actually dispose these off?". I melted again!!!!!! Its about a month and those old utensils are still lying next to the bin, without any action being taken on them!!!!!!

"Oh Bartan(s), I am going to miss you soooo much!!!!!! Thank you for all the good times, and the bad, I will never forget you!!!!!!"

This weekend will see them done away with.

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