Sunday, May 20, 2007

Keeping up with the times

The world is ever progressing and things of the future and becoming things in the present. What once was a luxury is now becoming a necessity. In this ever changing world we need to keep moving ahead, to make sure we are not left behind and outdated. I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when i noticed how a particular thing had kept up with the times. My friend bought Monopoly - the game, so that we could all get together and play on the weekends. Its been years since I have see a board, although i still remember what Chance 7 is and what Community Chest 11 is.

Coming back to the point, Monopoly has kept up with the times. What once was 600 pounds is now priced at 600K pounds. It might just be that extra K, but it makes so much sense and impressionable young kids dont have to wonder why Dad and Mom cant buy a house when its so cheap on Monopoly. Not just that, there is no longer the paper or coin type money. The game has, would u believe it, a swipe machine and credit card type funds. You have credit on ur card and u swipe it to transfer money to others or pay the bank. Its all electronic. That, I thought was absolutely fantastic and innovative.

Just like everything else, keeping ahead with times has its down side. Kids would no longer know how their grandparents conducted business. They wouldnt now about the cash and coins and keeping it all safe. But i suppose there has to be a tradeoff somewhere and to make that to benefit progress, is what keeping with times is all about.

I think our lives shd be pretty much the same, move on with technology and change, maybe being humans we can make sure that we not only remember the past but also take some lessons from it.

Note : Reproduced from my other blog at Http://

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